The foundation

The Kempff Cultural Foundation (Italian: Fondazione Culturale Kempff) promotes art and culture, in particular interpretations that carry on and develop Kempff's intellectual and artistic legacy.
 To this end, it organises masterclasses in Positano in southern Italy and ensures the preservation of the foundation's own instruments from Wilhelm Kempff's estate. Casa Orfeo in Positano also sees itself as a conference venue that explores the opportunities, potential and possibilities of the concept of culture.

We answer general questions on our contact page.

to the FAQ section

Members of the Board of Trustees

Evelyn Meining (Chairwoman)

Evelyn Meining has been Chair of the Board of Trustees since December 2023, having been elected to the Board of Trustees in August 2022. As an experienced music manager with several management positions in the theatre, concert and festival sector, she has been the artistic director of the Mozartfest Würzburg since 2014.

Annette von Bodecker

She was Wilhelm Kempff's private secretary from 1959 to 1991. Since 1961 she has organized the Beethoven masterclasses in Positano. She has been Chair of the Board of Trustees from 2005 until 2023.

Wolfgang Dix

Member of the Foundation Board since 2013 in place of his school friend Roland Kempff from Birklehof, who has terminated his membership for health reasons, but continues to be kept informed of all the Foundation's activities.

Dr Randolf von Estorff

He advised the Kempff Cultural Foundation for several years. In the meantime, voluntary work has become the focus of his activities. In August 2022, he was elected to the Board of Trustees.

Rüdiger Kruse

The Positano Forum is based on his initiative. He has been member of the Board of trustees since June 2022.

Prof Daniel Kühnel

His outstandingly resilient international network enables him to work regularly with some of the most renowned artists of our time. He has been a member of the Board of Trustees since September 2022.

Christoph Roth

Project manager of the Positano Forum of the Kempff Cultural Foundation. Member of the Board of Trustees since July 2019.

William Hong Chun Youn

The pianist has now lived in his adopted home of Munich for many years. He performs internationally from Berlin to Seoul and New York. He has been a member of the Foundation Board since 2013.

Annual reports

As a foundation, we have a responsibility to communicate our activities transparently. You can download our annual reports as PDF files here (only in German). Please select a year.

2023 20232022202120202019201820172016201520142013 download PDF

At our side

In our daily foundation work, we benefit from a network of competent partners. Would you like to work with us? We look forward to hearing from you!


We are already working with these partners:


Mr Joachim Blüher
Mrs Nina Maria Freifrau von Maltzahn
Mrs Katinka Niederstrasser-Nuvolari
Mr Peter Ovtcharov
Mrs Iris von Rosenstiel
Prof Michael Roßnagl
Mr Yoshimitsu Yamagata
The renovation of the foundation's own premises and gardens in Positano and projects of the Kempff Cultural Foundation from 2017 to 2014 are funded by the Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany.